How to prevent tangles?

At some point we've all suffered from nightmarish tangles in our little one's hair. Especially me, as a mother of a daughter who insists on keeping her hair long and open on more occasions that I would like. 

Now the easiest thing to do is to make sure their hair are combed at least 2/3 times a day and tied at all times, but we all know it's easier said than done. Though we must ensure the hair is clean and properly conditioned at all times. Dry hair are no fun and causes tangles and breakage more than an hour in the WWE ring. Oiling before washing and using a mild(kid friendly) serum after wash always works for us. 

Getting a trim every month or so to make sure there are no split ends also helps in keeping the hair healthy and tangle free. 

Last but not the least, buy hair clips and hair bands that are gentle on the hair and don't pull and tug. 

Happy Hair Styling :)